Termination of Rental Agreements in Poland Part 2

It is also possible for either party to terminate the agreement early for reasons not only specified in the text of the contract but also not included in it, as established by law.

These include:

– By mutual understanding/agreement of the parties (za porozumieniem stron).

This means that you and the property owner (or their authorized representative) sign a document—even if it’s handwritten—indicating that neither party opposes the early termination of the agreement (in brief).

This has immediate effect (natychmiastowe wypowiedzenie) for both parties.

Who and When Can Legally Effect Immediate Termination of the Rental Agreement?

The landlord can terminate if:

– The tenant (najemca) uses the leased property (apartment, house, etc.) in a manner that contradicts the contract or its intended purpose, and despite warnings, fails to cease using the property.

– The tenant grossly or persistently violates the applicable rules of conduct with their inappropriate behavior.

The tenant can terminate the rental agreement without notice if:

– The defects in the rented premises are such that they threaten the health of the tenant or their household members, even (❗️) if the tenant was aware of the defects at the time of signing the agreement.

Termination of the rental agreement after the notice period applies to agreements concluded for an indefinite term.

The notice periods for rental agreements can be freely agreed upon by the parties in the contract. If the parties do not specify notice periods in the contract, Article 688 of the Civil Code applies (for monthly rent, the notice period is three months and expires at the end of the month).

By mutual agreement of the parties, any type of rental agreement can be terminated at any time.

However, such termination must be in writing and signed by both parties.


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